Sæbønestua på ski - DoUdare

Sæbønestua on skis

Sæbømestua på ski

The name does not disgrace anyone, and this tua deserves a big T. Tua💕 We always called it Tua when we were little, because there was only one Tua for us, and that was Sæbønestua. Now it has become a popular little trip, with a fabulous view. It flows to people from near and far to spend the night up here, or on Nedste skaret a little further down. Or just on a day trip, but preferably in the summer. As far as I know, no one uses to go here in the winter on skis, not since we as children used the miniskis of the time up here. The forest has grown quite a lot since then, so it can easily explain that matter… but it had to be tried… Because think so great to get up to a white-clad Tue 🤩

From the house I rent on Neset, at the very bottom of Sæbøneset by the fjord, the snow lay all the way down to the fjord, and I could literally take my skis in the hallway and walk from the stairs and up the slopes. And as I said so done. Should it be so it should be, the first time in adulthood on skis at Sæbønestua, well then it had to be completely from home. And the view? Yes, it came from the first step. The sun had just appeared after the winter hibernation, and we left when it appeared over Horndalsrokken in a beautiful winter light, on a completely windless January day.

sæbønestua vintersdag på randonee ski

Is it weird I wanted to move home from Stavanger? After 20 years and trained as a petroleum engineer, I just had to go home. The mountain bacillus had taken hold, and I was completely captivated by the paradise of my childhood that I moved from 25 years ago. But now I'm home <3 Too good <3

The forest was dense, and we climbed up from the top of the construction site, it went so well, and we climbed as fast as the sun that kept up with us all the way. Down on Neset it had become dark now, and the sun had gone behind Storehornet. Up here, however, we felt her warm well, it is nice to feel the first rays of spring warm body and soul <3

The altitude meters go away quickly, and we were going at just under 600 meters, and the view was, as I was fully aware, better and better. Here I will soon cross the edge over Sæbønestua and we are immediately up. Fantastically beautiful, of course, we were going to bring a tent! Such a beautiful day! But it will be another time.

My absolute favorite gallery. I have been here many times in my childhood, but I can not remember it so wonderful ever. Here are the peaks in a row, and I stand there and think back on last year's trip to Holmshornet. Holmshornet is located on the far right of the picture here, at the far end of the Hjørundfjord with a view that can take the breath away from even the most discerning.

Here they lie, in a row; Grønskredhammeren, Lynghalstinden, Saudekråtinden, Miendalstinden and Holmshornet. We rang over them on the way to accommodation at Holmshornet last year, right on the Top 5 List <3

Stone in great drift downhill at sunset.

We dragged it as far as possible up on the top, and played in the beautiful snow, but in the end we had to go down again.

We aimed at Nedste Skaret, here hung a hammock that has become a very popular attraction. Everyone should have pictures from the hammock, and preferably spend the night there. So we also had to have the obligatory hammock picture.

Behind the scenes…

And which of us came up with the “ingenious” idea of ​​not following our tracks downhill I do not know… but I suspect it was Stein .. Yes, we can try to see if it is possible to run down like this we come down to the plot .. OK ..? so we did it ..and if there was not a dense enough bush on the way up, then at least it was on the way down. there was at times trampling in zigzags and over and under branches and shrubs. Good trim it was at least 😀

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